Thanksgiving and Christmas at the grandparents house is horrible.
So many people.
This is about half of them in the picture.
I am related to all of them but I could only tell you about half of the names. That is sad.
I usually hide in another room
Sunday, December 25, 2005
People Are Strange When You Are A Stranger
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
You Can’t Take The Sky From Me
So, a DVD that I planned to buy after Christmas showed up at my door today.
I did not order it or anything.
It looks as though I am going to need to make a phone call to verify what I think happened.
The odd thing is that today IS the release date for the DVD in question.
Monday, December 19, 2005
I Want To Lie Shipwrecked And Comotose
Original Title: It is cold outside
My thoughts on the subject are as follows:
1:50 Sex joke already
2:00 Kryten...Thank God Seems that way.
Lister? Not a British sleazeball? Inconceiveable!
Its cold outside,
There's no kind of atmosphere,
I'm all alone,
More or less.
Let me fly,
Far away from here,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.
I want to lie,
Shipwrecked and comotose,
Drinking fresh,
Mango juice,
Goldfish shoals,
Nibbling at my toes,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Get A Good Job With More Pay And You're Okay
Original Title: Pertaining to Amy checking her tracking number
I need money to go to the Starbucks on a non-Thursday to see her.
I have not been to the Starbucks since Monday. I am broke.
Like a joke.
That does not smoke.
I shall not be at the Starbucks until Tuesday afternoon.
Because I can ca$h my paycheck a day early. Tuesday is a non-Thursday day.
Ooh! Four and a half days!
- Current Mood:
Runnin’, Hidin’
Original Title “There is a spool of thread in your iced tea!”
Look at the street, it's time to eat.
I really hate the internets sometimes. They are so boring. All it would seem that I have to keep me entertained is a Livejournal to gripe in. The person on the phone is making me regret calling her.
On a more positive note, this one girl at work tried to hook me up with her friend whom I shall simply call "Psycho Bitch" because she is a psycho bitch. I declined for obvious reasons. A crazy old woman decided that I should get with this other crazy girl that works there. Assuming that she quits with the drugs, quits with the smoking, dumps the boyfriend, and grows half a brain. Again, I declined for obvious reasons. Then this mexican cat started wondering why I had no girlfriend. All in the same bloody day.
Then I ran out of money.
Anyone want to give me some?
I shall not stop you.
I actually had something useful to say in this space, but I have totally forgotten about it at this stage.
So, goodnight cats.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Can I Get A Witness
The internet is boring!
Tell Me All My Love's In Vain
Original Title: Pertaining To Insanity I Thought Long Since Vanished
This may or may not bode well.
I shall see.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
So Take Your Seats And Don't Be Late
Here I sit attempting to procure "A Sitch In Time" and "So The Drama," (Yes, the Kim Possible Movies) for my own personal amusement based on the fact that that is one of the best shows on the television at the moment, whilst updating the "Journal-Ma-Bob," downloading the Trillian, listening to Styx, and eating fruit.
Truly an exciting life I lead.
Sorry. Got sidetracked taking a quiz on one of the Internets. Pretty crappy.
I went on a mad crazy quest to find out where I can buy those Fruitworks drinks. Seems to be nowheres.
Depressing. So I bought some new work shoes at the Store Which Shall Not Be Named. I drove quite a ways to get to it as well. I also bought some animal cookies.
My Favorite Katie In The Entire World now knows that she is indeed My Favorite Katie In The Entire World. She seemed to be intrigued by that. She also likes animal cookies, it would seem.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Good Times, Bad Times, You Know I’ve Had My Share
Several Things...
1. I just left a website because "This site is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, at the resolution of 1024x768." was at the bottom.
2. I applied at a place that I would be interested in working today, only to have the store manager tell me that she was going to "set up a fabulous interview" when she gets back from L.A. next week. Whoo...
3. I know that there are more things, but I can not remember them.
Monday, November 7, 2005
Freedom Fries
So. Yeah.
At present I am running Windows ME which I upgraded to from Windows 98SE, which was an upgrade from Windows 95, which was an upgrade from Windows 3.11 For Workgroups, which was an upgrade from Windows 3.1, which was an upgrade from Dos 6.22. Once this has been updated completely it will be upgraded to Windows 2000 Professional. Chances are these mad crazy upgrades will stop there. Because I like Win2KPro. It works for me in ways that all of the others do not.
Also. Mail came today.
Free brownies (I assume). Free tupperware. No bomb. No letter of clarification. Doable, I guess.
* Update * 23:27* Update *
Ate a brownie.
After ten minutes, I am still not dead.
We shall see what the morrow brings...
Saturday, September 3, 2005
Jump Into A Taxi And The Time Is Gettin’ Tight
i built a usb cd-rom
Pack Up My Belongings, I’ve Got To Get Away
so yeah
about to move
like the day after tomorrow
and seeing as how we technically haven't a place to go, we shall be staying with my grandmother for a week or 3. which means no computer for this kid for a week or 3.
anyone have a laptop they don't need that supports windows 2000 and has usb ports that they want to send me?
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Yes A Spoonful Of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down
Original Title "-"
- Current Mood:rad
Friday, August 5, 2005
Like A Drifter, I Was Born To Walk Alone - Update
In reference to a post I made a while back, which was:
"It would appear that the girl I have been talking to for a while now is going to go off to Colorado in the very near future (July 1)."
It would appear that it all fell through at quite literally the last moment. In that she had her car sold, job pretty much done, everything ready to go. Whatever. She barely managed to keep her job (not the story she gave, but you know), and is trying to get transferred back to the store she got hired at, but I was told that was going to very badly, but Jenny does not know this.
I realize that this reads very badly, I might update it when I know for sure.
She told me that they wanted her to stay around for another month to help with the training, and cover for vacation. I made the connection that she might have not been altogether truthful when she told me that from the fact that she was supposed to have left more than a month ago. She is still around, so I am not arguing.
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Take It Back
Original Title “Rhetorical Nonsense”
Why do clowns make people laugh?
Why do people love puppy dogs?
Why do little blue midgets hit me with fish?
We're all doin' it, chum. That's what we do. We do it. Do what? Therein lies the mystery!
When you get in bed with evil incarnate, it always takes the covers.
Step one; we need an archenemy. The most powerful, deadly, and brilliant criminal mastermind we can find. Someone who will burn his fetid midnight oil hatching up a thousand plots to annihilate us. Someone within easy commuting distance would be a plus.
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
One Of These Days
One Of These Days
Pink Floyd
Turin, Italy
I really need to get my hands upon that song.
The whole album would be nice, but at the moment, I am focusing on that one song...
Any help would be shiny.
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Been Dazed And Confused For So Long It’s Not True
I have this thing I think I need to write about.
I will try to compose it in a semi-coherent way in a bit
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Sing Me A Melody, Sing Me A Blues, Walk Through The Bottomland Without No Shoes
Surprise there...
These two employees were arguing with each other about something stupid. I would probably have just laughed and watched if not for the fact that one of them was a girl whom is very interesting and amusing to talk to.
I was going to throw one of my shoes at the other guy, but I felt I might hit the girl and that was not something I wanted to do.
I went through the drive thru later, only because the church across the street was having their little festival. I was talking about it to the girl from before, and the guy she was arguing with came up and listened for a moment. Then he interjected with "And you still have both of your shoes!"
Poor Katie, the look she had on her face when he said that was so amusing. Then I explained everything to her. She thanked me for being concerned, and our conversation wandered along on it's nicely random path.
Now back to my movie...
Friday, July 29, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly On The Plain
Looks like monsoon season started early this year…
I’ve Never Been To Boston In The Fall
Fierce Pirates we be!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Journey Of The Sorcerer (Revisited)
one last thing
this one most seriously
I was reading mostly harmless and i came across this line:
"When it's fall in New York, the air smells as if someone's been frying goats in it, and if you are keen to breathe the best plan is to open a window and stick your head in a building"
i just wanted to know if it was true, so, if you know, please, let me know.
Black Is White Up Is Down And Good Is Bad
So after a hectic week of believing that war was peace, that good was bad, that the moon was made of blue cheese, and that God needed a lot of money sent to a certain box number, the Monk started to believe that thirty-five percent of all tables were hermaphrodites, and then broke down.
Sometimes You Don’t
Sunday, July 10, 2005
I’m As Free As A Bird Now
Freedom is a coy bitch
Saturday, July 9, 2005
Us Us Us Us And Them Them Them Them
1. Pink Floyd - The Wall - 3600%
2. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here - 2000%
3. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - 1400%
4. The Who - The Ultimate Collection - 1400%
5. Pink Floyd - Animals - 1000%
6. Velvet Revolver - Contraband - 1000%
7. Robbie Williams - Greatest Hits - 800%
8. Pink Floyd - Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd - 600%
9. Razorlight - Up All Night - 600%
10. The Killers - Hot Fuss - 200%
11. Kaiser Chiefs - Employment - 200%
12. Dido - Life for Rent - 200%
13. Joss Stone - Mind, Body and Soul - 200%
14. Scissor Sisters - Scissor Sisters - 200%
15. Madonna - Immaculate Collection - 150%
Just wow...
Good to see that one band managed to have 1/3 of the list singlehandedly
Friday, July 8, 2005
Beauty And King Dork
Just makes me think of a newspaper article from The Critic pertaining to Bush Sr. and Mr. Clinton.
Something to the effect of "Bush Loses!"
"Fat Lecherous Hillbilly Elected"
Anyway, we all know the story:
The South shall rise again.
Or something.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Shape Of Things To Come
Will prove that all is right and proper with the world.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
La Villa Strangiato
so, yeah
just got my hands on the microsoft visual studio .net 2003
some nice stuff there
got some stuff available for whomever as well, drop me a message, and we can maybe come to some agreement
Friday, June 10, 2005
Our Lovely World’s So Lovely
alright cats, fit the twenty-third is up, and i plan to record and post fit the twenty-fourth after work tonight. that is the tentative plan for the moment.
we shall see what the network and the storms wind up doing.
sorry for the delay, been having some serious networking issues as of late, i think i have most of that squared away now though.
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Here I Go Again On My Own
In reference to my recent discovery about the universe hating me I have reached this one conclusion:
I am okay with that
After laughing hysterically for something like three straight hours last night, I stumbled across that particular realization.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Like A Drifter I Was Born To Walk Alone
The universe hates me.
I now have all of the proof I need.
It seems that any girl I take some sort of interest in will, without fail, move out of state.
I know this seems like a strange assumption, and people are all "You're too paranoid," but you can not argue with the facts.
Between '99 and now there has been:
Abby - Oklahoma
Michele - New York
Rachelle - Colorado
Amy - Texas
Jessica - California, and now Arizona
Rachel - Pennsylvania
Judy - Florida
It would appear that the girl I have been talking to for a while now is going to go off to Colorado in the very near future (July 1).
Considering I have had no interest in anyone who is not on this list, I feel that I need no more proof that the universe hates, loathes, and detests me.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Beneath The Ink-Black Skies
You really should listen to them.
Eleven hours you will not regret.
Unless you are very strange or a corporate shill.
Anyway, goodnight all
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Everyone’s So Happy
Fit The Twenty-First is up.
I recorded this one myself using the wmp 5.1 surround stream, so it sounds a lot better than last weeks.
I am going to do it this way from here on out.
Saturday, May 7, 2005
And Everything’s So Nice
So, yeah.
I just uploaded the newest episode of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy to my website.
Should anyone want, I can give them the link for download purposes.
It is not a problem to put the first two series up as well, should someone want or need them
Friday, April 29, 2005
Burn The Land And Boil The Sea
"This is going to get pretty interesting."
"Define Interesting."
"Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die."
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Crazy Little Thing
So, I have this one friend who works at the Starbucks, and I mentioned her in an email to someone else yesterday. The ad that google dredeged up had this address
I found this insanely amusing due to the fact that she decided to start talking to me, and did so by commenting upon one of my Led Zeppelin shirts.
Just an amusing little thing.
Thursday, April 7, 2005
Leave My Girl Alone
This is almost reason enough to to go this
I mean, considering that this is going to be right around here somewhere, and I even have a vague idea where it is to be.
Who was it that said nothing good happens in Indiana?
They are, for the most part, right.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Bring A Nickel Tap Your Feet
so i have decided that my late night shopping adventures, combined with many of the other things i do would be worty of an extremely amusing web comic.
only issue is that i have no artistic talent whatsoever. but, i have gone and written out many of my adventures. most notably being my wal mart trip from last night where i had to make a hasty get away and my most recent trip to the southport meijer. all i am saying about that one is that it involved golf clubs and vampires.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Whiskey In The Jar
ight now, i am going to be scouring the books for the guide entries, but if anyone wants to contribute an article for anything, anywhere, fictional or no, it shall be added.
i am doing it as an html file for the moment, so if, once i get it set up so i can transfer it between computers, anyone wants a copy, it shall be no problem.
but, please, feel free to submit any number of entries pertaining to any number of places.
Friday, March 18, 2005
And I Think To Myself
Most of you know about this, but for those of you who don't, click here
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The Soul Of A Woman Was Created Below
just got the dvd release of the star wars trilogy.
i love Half Price Books. great store. even better when they are running their 20% off EVERYTHING sale.
but, now to eat, because it would seem that i have to alter my security settings for my network...
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
It’s Cold Outside
I bought and watched Red Dwarf Series V today.
Spent the last week or so going through Red Dwarf Series' I-IV and the entirety (14 episodes, sadly) of Firefly.
Should you know naught of either, let me know so I can cry for you.
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Shakin’ Like A Leaf
The hood cleaning people came to the store I am working at tonight. They were the same ones that always came. Meaning the ones who caused my store to explode. After they left, we were cleaning up their mess, and I decided to be paranoid and check the gas lines.
Lo and behold, the fry line was not connected all the way. It was on there enough that the force of the gas going through the line would have pulled it into place tomorrow, but that it was not all the way connected is what bothers me.
Considering that is what caused my store to explode...
Also, the guy that my store exploded on is doing the opening thing at the store I am presently working at. Meaning he could possibly have had a second store explode on him.
How are all of you?
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
So I Throw The Windows Wide And Call To You Across The Sky…
Music: Echoes ~ Pink Floyd
It would seem that I have just had another series of startling revelations.
3. I am aware of the fact that the above numbers are blank.
4. She is not coming back. I have known this since the 28th of November, but I don't like to acknowledge it
5. Number 4 is pretty depressing.
6. I need to download the Winamp because the WMP just plain out sucks.
7. I just downloaded the Winamp.
8. Overhead the albatross
Hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
An echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.
And no one called us to the land
And no one knows the where's or why's.
Something stirs and something tries
Starts to climb toward the light.
Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me.
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand
The best I can.
And no one called us to the land
And no one crosses there alive.
No one speaks and no one tries
No one flies around the sun....
Almost everyday you fall
Upon my waking eyes,
Inviting and inciting me
To rise.
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning.
And no one sings me lullabyes
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....
9. I realize that number 8 is really long
10. I am going to sleep now.
Not Gonna Let Them Catch The Midnight Rider
Music: Midnight Rider ~ Allman Brothers
Let's see.
I am sitting here listening to my flashlight.
QOW is now officially over with. This makes me sad.
Very sad indeed.
There was something else, but I've long since forgotten.
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Communication Breakdown, It’s Always The Same
Music: Communication Breakdown ~ Led Zeppelin
Burritos and pickles.
Seems to be the best way to start this out. I am presently eating a burrito and a buch of pickles.
This would be breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the day. I so rock.
Trick is, I only have one of these days when I think of someone whom I once looked at as one of the greatest and most influential people I have ever known. Then she got all strange.
It would seem that she did, at one point, have some kind of "thing" for me. This was several years ago, and seeing as how I was talking to someone else at the time, I was, ovbiously, kind of distracted.
So, our relationship took a different path when she realized that I was not interested in whatever it was that she wanted. We eventually ended up being like the brother and sister who actually like each other enough to talk and have fun together. Those were some good times, let me tell you.
Then one day, she became very adamant that I get out of the lousy job that we both hated. She decided that I should do what she did, and, trusting her judgement combined with the fact that I actually liked the idea, I did just that. This other job involved my reloacting to South Carolina, and her to Missouri. We were both sad about that, so we resolved to write constantly to each other. Which we did a pretty good job of.
It was round about the fourth week that I was there that I wound up getting injured to the point where I needed to just get out of that particular industry. It was mentioned in a letter that things had not worked out for me like we had hoped and planned, and that I was returning to Indiana.
She was not really okay with that, but once she realized that, physically, I could not carry on, she accepted it. She told me that she was proud of the fact that I had put forth the effort, and that she would support me, no matter what. Just so long as I did not go back to the crappy dead end job.
I went back to Indiana 3 weeks later.
Four more weeks pass.
In those four weeks, I had applied at nearly 30 places. No one was hiring. My money from the summer trip was working on running out, and the only place that was hiring was the one I really did not want to go back to.
Needless to say, I went back.
Shortly thereafter, she just stopped writing to me altogether.
It was just an abrupt thing.
I was talking to the lady who was her best friend for a long time tonight and she made some comments that suddenly made this whole thing make a lot more sense.
It was, it seemed, because of some letter I wrote to her after I got back. So, I started thinking about all the things I wrote, and this little memory of this odd little event suddenly popped back into my head.
It was a little word game. Some guy I had met had gotten a letter from his daughter who was like four, and he could not make out what it was, so, he asked if I could help him out. I said "sure, whatever, can I see it?" He would not show me the actual letter, which was okay. He took my notebook from me, opened it to some random page and drew it in the corner.
It was a series of words written vertially on the page with no spacing and the letters mirrored and set against the originals. If you covered the right side from the center out, and then read from top to bottom you got the message.
It now makes sense to assume that she got that page somewhere and I just did not relize that I had used it. It probably wound up on the back somewhere, or some such. Either way, it was enough for her to decide to ignore me for the seemingly rest of our lives.
At first, it was kind of depressing, but after a bit, I got over it. I still think about it from time to time, but suddenly, I can see what is going on. It saddens me that she never tried to solve the problem, but she was always kind of odd. Much like me.
So, yeah. People think that I had never lost anyone close to me. Well, they are wrong. I feel like in losing her, I lost a sister. Almost exactly a year before I really did lose a real sister. The way it worked out was that in my mind, she had died. She was not going to be her usually happy and cheerful self at work ever again, because she was never going to be there again. I will never hear from her again, because there is nothing to hear.
Since that last bit is almost enough to depress me all over again, I merely want to say thank you to you, my former best friend. Thank you for being indirectly responsible for the worst 19+ months of my life. If you ever decide to come around, be prepared to be ignored.
Oh, yeah
Have a nice day.
Saturday, February 5, 2005
Medium Rare With Muenster’d Be Nice
I don't know which is worse, the fact that this has happened to me, or the fact that no one believes me about it.
Thursday, February 3, 2005
Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Lovely Rita
I had something I was going to write here, but I can, for the life of me, not remember.
I was having an okay day at work today, until some of my co-workers decided it would be fun to try to hook me up with this one 17-year old asian girl that works there. They even took the liberty of trying to set some sort of date up for the two of us. Unfortunatly they did not take into account that I work every day until something queer like next Wednesday.
Oh yeah, I am freaking insane. No doubts on that account.
Also, I know it is a couple of years old, but Edward The Less is freaking funny.
Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Dale A Tu Cuerpo Alegria, Macarena
Also, on a completely unrelated note, After reading through ALL of my entries I have concluded that I am, without any doubt, clinically insane.
Goodnight Sweet Readers, And A Flight Of Angels To Sing Thee To Thy Rest
I Used To Sing To The Mountains, Has The Ocean Lost It’s Way?
Music: The Ocean ~ Led Zeppelin
Yet another 4-day weekend.
This time through, it is almost over. I have reposessed my PS2, and have been playing that. Got Katamari Damacy which is fun, addictive, and extremely bizarre. $20 acid trip indeed.
Also, since I had a memory card and controller come up missing whilst Joe had the thing in his posession, I was forced to restart my Final Fantasy X game. It took all the self control I had to not change Tidus' name to Pansy Boy.
Catch is, I think I am going to restart again in order to do just that.
Let's see.
What else?
Oh, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is a truly Awesome game. One of the best I have played since A Link To The Past. It has kept me occupied through most of the last 3 weeks or so. No, it is nowhere nearly as long as A Link To The Past, I have merely playing it sporadically. To savor it, if you will. It takes the graphic set from A Link To The Past, and then seamlessly blends the best elements from all of the previous games (I.E. Lon Lon Ranch, the Gorons, the town, the fields, the forest, etc.) and still manages to come off truly unique and awesome. The side quests are quite entertaining. My only complaint is with the Mysterious Shells. They should have done it so that you can push something like down to go to the proper number of shells to trade, as opposed to making you scroll up through. Takes waaaaaay too long when you get to the point of trading more than oh, say, 2. Considering that there is something like 130 figurines that you are trying to get, you can imagine how much scrolling you will need to do.
Anyway, great game. ¡BUY IT!
I think I am going to go to Starbucks tomorrow and do something that I have needed to do for a long time. I know I have been saying this for a very long time now, but I think I need to just do it.
Also, ca$h the paycheck a day early and hit up the post office.
What else is on the agenda for the morrow?
A meeting where nothing will happen. Again.
Ah well, off to sleep.
It Doesn’t Have To Be A Snowman
I just decided that I am going to boycott the IRC channel I sort of hang around in. They are being a bit queer. Even for me.
I wonder how long that will actually last.
Not long at all.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Sittin’ On This Bar Stool Talkin’ Like A Damn Fool
look at me installing a windows xp virtual machine on my windows xp computer
i am so freaking excited
granted, when you have not slept for 3 days, anything sounds exciting doesn't it?