Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End Part 5 - Applications Part 2

This post marks (I'm pretty sure) the end of my playing with Microsoft Windows version 1.04.  It is interesting to see the evolution of some of the programs we take for granted...Notepad and Paint are the two highlights of this post for me. I would probably have enjoyed it more if I could have actually gotten a mouse to function.

Anyway, here we go.
MS-DOS Executive.  A graphical way of opening a DOS program. Might be more useful than that, but I don't think so.

Notepad.  Nothing new here. Nothing really different from what we all know either, come to think of it.

 In the beginning there was Paint. 

The graphic creation/manipulation program we all love to hate on.  In these days it wasn't actually capable of colors.  Or jpegs. Or cat gifs.

 How far we've come!

 Reversi. The first game for Windows! Not only do I not know how to play the game, I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce the name.

 The Print Spooler! How exciting!

 Terminal...Not what I was expecting it to be.  Not really sure what it actually does.

 Good old Write!

Once again, I got stuck on the Desktop(ish) screen.  Again, not having a mouse or the motivation to look up the keyboard commands to get myself unstuck, I just killed DosBox and am ready to move on.

Up next...Windows Version 2!

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