Monday, December 30, 2002

Sun Goes Down, It's A Different Town

Original Title: A momentary recap

Update on the work thing from last night. It seems to have gotten warmer AFTER the sun went down!!I got there a bit earlier than I had planned. Ah well. I sat in the lobby developing a few more characters for my story that is based on "Hotel California." Told you I did not forget about them! The "Long Haired Lingering Man" was in there when I showed up. I saw his car in the lot and thought that whoever was there was going to need rescuing. I was right.
I procured a Coke and went to sit in a secluded part of the lobby to write. He followed me. Damn. We had a little chit - chat. A few of my former co-workers popped in during the duration, and I tried to use the "I should go socialize with Amanda for a minute" excuse to get out of it. To no avail. He had me trapped in that little corner. Damn indeed. Then he left shortly after they did. We were rather relieved. I did my stuff, and still was there until almost 1 am.
Ah well. I am currently downloading Windows .Net Server 2003 RC2.
Yes. As implied above, I am still working on my Hotel California story. I hope to get enough of it down on paper so as to have some posted by the end of the week. This time I am being serious.
Goodnight all.
B9-->You should write to me regarding the movie in the next day or so (hint hint)

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Sweet Home Indiana

Cat 2
Have you ever spent any part of a winter in Indiana?
Have you ever been to Indiana to begin with?
::Disclaimer --> I am about to rant about Indiana's weather <-- center="" disclaimer::="" end="">If you answered "yes" to the above questions, feel free to skip this and take the quiz at the bottom of the page (you don't want to hear about my crummy life anyway do you?).
If you answered "no", then read on (you poor pathetic schmuck).
The weather in Indiana is always truly bizzare. The way I see it, any forecast that is extended about any further than 10 mins. in advance is pretty much worthless. We are supposed to get 3 inches of snow on some early December day, and it seems to be 50 degrees and sunny that day. I may be exaggerating, but if so, it's only slightly. Two weeks ago, it was rather nice and sunny outside. It has been far too cold for comfort lately.
We got something like 6 inches of snow right around Christmas Eve.
Ok. The rant of about the weather is done with. Now onto the ranting about my job.
I work at Arby's. Whoo. My official title is "Team Trainer" but I actually do about everything there is to do and then much more. One of my unofficial jobs is "P.O.P. Captian." I find the title rather derogatory, but it makes me feel better to know that almost all of the other stores bestow that title upon a member of the management team. Hah! Sucks to be them! I obtained the title in question as a result of my irrational tendancy to be nice and help out one of my managers. Betcha can't guess why that is...
Anyway, back to my story.
What the P.O.P. captian is responsible for is basically this: Making sure the right stickers are on the right windows, the sign board says the right thing, the prices and menu boards are all reflected accuratly, etc. All the stuff dealing with promotions and what-have-you. It usually all needs to be changed on Sunday morning. So, I show up around 6 am (I am supposed to be there at 7 to let the mexicans in and then scrub out the fryers. I will go into greater detail about my Sunday morning shifts in a later entry though ;)) I usually get the fryers done to the point of being able to be left on their own until 9 am after about 40 minutes (I am good!). The current time is 6:40ish. I now begin gathering up my various posters, letters, and paperwork. This usually takes anywhere from 5 minutes to a half hour. After I get it straightened out and ready, I still have to wait for the Mexicans to show up. This could be anywhere from 6:55 to 7:30, although I have had it as late as 9:45 before.
Once they are present and accounted for, I make them coffee and then run outside to start changing everything. It MUST all be done by 10 am. That is when we open. It is usually sunny and and least lukewarm outside by this point. Even during an erratic Indiana winter.
Well, this time, it must be done after close on Sunday night. That means tonight. It is extremely cold out, with no chance of the sun making even a guest appearance. Needless to say, I don't look forward to standing outside with the 10-foot letter grabbing pole at midnight. whoo!
Here is the promised quiz. I ran into it when I was perusing the diary of my fourth and newest reader!

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Goodnight all! Off to mom's house to find some gloves and warm clothes!
A tidbit of useless information: This entry took 45 minutes to write!

Friday, December 20, 2002

Got the wings of heaven on my shoes

Original Title: Late night shopping is not all it's cracked up to be...

Cat 3
I am now going to provide you with a wholly accurate if not slightly exaggerated account of my late - night shopping trip on the night / morning of 12/19 - 12/20:
I left at 11:30 headed to meijer. Thinking to myself "it's 11:30. not too many sane people will be out shopping at this particularly ungodly late hour." I was rather mistaken. There were rather a lot of people in there. I bought a cd and a set of ink pens. The shortest line was actually probably the longest. That was because of the cashier was some old fossilized "thing" (i use those terms loosly) that looks to have been unearthed in the local rock quarry about the time the pharohs were importing hunks of rock into Egypt for the purpose of building them there new - fangled pyramids. The people in line in front of me had something like 3 things and a bag of catfood in a K - Mart bag. They paid for the 3 things, and then they attempted to return the catfood. The old woman slowly and patiently explained to them that they were at Meijer. The bag AND recipt stated quite clearly that the catfood originated at K - Mart, and were, therefore, expressly forbidden to do what they were attempting to do. The fiasco eventually ended up involving the store manager, a security guard or two and a little dark room somewhere in the catacombs of the Meijer office complex. I had, however, long since said "forget this" and took the liberty of hopping into the next line over. Which I might add emptied and proceeded to stay that way about 2 mins. After I got into the original one.
Then I commited an unforgivable mortal sin. I almost could not bring myself to write this particularly dark and bleak chapter of an otherwise dark and bleak shopping trip. I went to Wal - Mart. Oh God it's out. I am doomed. Anyway, back to the narrative.
I once saw a shirt somewhere that said White * Trash (as opposed to low * prices) Always. Making fun of that place. After last night I pretty much agree whole - heartedly. I walked into the store. the greeter was attempting to greet people amidst a sea of boxes that were blocking any forward movement in the main isle. I thought to myself "Oh good, I can't get through. Looks like I will have to go home. YAY!!" But then, off to the right, ever so slightly, there was this little path leading into the labyrinth beyond. I went. Big mistake.
I went first to the electronics department to find a DVD. It seemed that the electronics department had been moved since the last time I was in there. Conceivable really, considering the fact that I go in there so infrequently. Well, after a bit of aimless wandering, I had passed and marked the location of the grocery department, the automotive department, and the personal hygiene department. I was christmas shopping, so therefore, I naturally had to stop in each of those for people on various lists. Well, after I located the electronics department, and located what I was looking for, I moved onto the automotive department. When I got there, it was something totally different. The same happened with every one of those departments. So, I was in there wandering for far longer than I had ever planned. I eventually got everything, and then had a ghastly time in their checkout too.
The cashier was similar to the one before, but you knew where all of her joints were because they were the only places she was not fat. I don't know how that worked out, but I saw it with my own eyes. And nary a fork around to put said eyes out of their misery. Anyhoo, the woman in front of me had something like 4 dozen jars of babyfood. I think they were all the same. The cashier insisted upon ringing them up in-duh-vidually (thank you scott adams for making that word a frequent part of my already excessivly large vocabulary). So after finishing with that particular little bit of fun, The customer then wishes to buy something like a half - dozen boxes of cigarettes. After the old woman lethargically complies, and rings them up, she assumes the customer is done. Well, sir, that is about the time she whips out a coupon for each one of those boxes of cigarettes. The cashier then has to go and read each one of the coupons, despite the fact that they are identical. It hurts the cashier to read, I have it before. Sad really. She finally gets it though. And then my transaction takes about 12 and a half seconds. Much to the relief of myself, her, and the people in line behind me with 4 cans of Tang and a bunch of little glass thingamabobs. By the time i get out of Wal - Mart, it is 12:45.
So I decide to go find some food. The only thing that was open in the neighborhood was white castle. But instead, I went to the new one about 10 mins. further down the road.
It was remarkably clean. The only other customers in the store were the couple who looked like they were at any time going to duck under the table and either stage a gang war or start having sex. I ate quickly and then left very quickly too. My only complaint was the cashier. She was not old or stupid or anything. She was simply trying to flirt with me. Which after my shopping trip, I was not in the mood for, so I found a booth out of sight of the counter. She was staring at me the whole time she could see me. Damn it.
After that, I thought about going home, but instead took a bit of a detour through Downtown Indianapolis. It struck me as being only slightly less crowded and busy at 1:15 am then it would be at 7:30 pm. I went home shortly thereafter, and started wrapping the remainder of my christmas gifts.
Fun stuff there.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Way Down In Kokomo

Original Title: Wirloo!!

For my second entry of the day you (my 3 official readers) won't believe what I have in store for you this time...
It's a quizamajigger!!! (I demand applause or else...) whoo!!!
And the results are in (again I think, but seeing as how I am not too sure, and am far too lazy to go look, here we go again!):
The Evil Criminal Test
Congratulations, you're Charles Manson!
Mad as a hatter and friend of Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, you believe that the Beatles song Helter Skelter is indicative of a coming race war, where the "blackies" will win. You also consider yourself a talented folksinger.
You have amassed a group of female followers known as The Family, who perform killings for you and look upon you as if you were Jesus Christ. You have sex with each and every one of them, and encourage them to have sex with each other, but they're most famous for killing pregnant actress Sharon Tate.
If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you wrote a Beach Boys song and killed Roman Polanski's wife with the following fine graphic:

Which Evil Criminal are You?
I honestly don't know where this stuff comes from. I am not crazy. I swear. Although, I don't think I would mind about the whole "Family" thing.

I'm Going Around The World, I Got To Find My Girl, On My Way

Original Title: The Two Towers (unofficially)

Ford 1
Gale went to see (unofficially that is) The Two Towers this afternoon. I will not say much (I don't want to ruin anything for Bethany, seeing as how we were supposed to go together, but through some odd set of circumstances it did not work out) except it was really freaking cool. The visuals were beautiful, the storyline was pretty good, and it was quite long (something like 2 hours and 59 minutes)Bethany and I are attempting to reschedule somewhere in the neighborhood of 12/26. Look for Word Dog's "Official Review" then.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

One World, And We Will Smash It Down

Original Title: Word Dog Says:

Ford 2

Word Dog says "Let's talk where I came from!"

The idea for me came into being while Gale was at work today. Someone walked up to him and said "word dog."
Gale's response was something along the lines of this: "Word Dog? What is that? Some kind of "ghetto ebonics" phrase?"
His co-worker's response was "yup."
Gale then thought about it for a second, and then started describing his take on the phrase "Word Dog." It is as follows:
Word Dog sounds more like the name of a sock puppet a kindergarten teacher might use as a form of teaching the class to read or spell. Maybe have some motivational "Word Dog Says:" posters pasted all over the classroom. That sort of thing.
So, from here on out, the "Word Dog Says:" entries will have something to do with some opinion of whatever whatever going on in the world.
Thanks for your time
--W. Dog--

Signed, Sealed, They Deliver Oblivion

Original Title: "Word Dog"

Ford 3
I had this great big thing I had planned to launch into, but I don't really remember. It may have had something to do with a "ghetto ebonics" phrase I heard while at work this afternoon. The phrase in question was "Word Dog." But I don't really know.Therefore, you are stuck with this crap:
blah blah blah crap crap crap
blah blah blah crap crap crap
blah blah blah crap crap crap
blah blah blah crap crap crap
blah blah blah crap crap crap
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blah blah blah crap crap crap
blah blah blah crap crap crap
blah blah blah crap crap crap
blah blah blah crap crap crap
There. How do you like them there apples?????
What?? ya don't??? Well, then blow it out you'r gizzard!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

I Woke Up This Morning And Got Myself A Beer

Original Title: 12/16/2002 - A day which will live forever in infamy...

Jesus Sense
I must start out with 2 things:1. I apologize to my friend about my assumptions about yesterday. I am truly sorry about that.
2. Disclaimer: This entry will be shorter and considerably more positive than last night's entry.
That was written while I was very tired, very mad at lots of things, and in some insane amount of pain.
Today, however, I am listening to "Roadhouse Blues" as performed by Blue Oyster Cult, waiting on my breakfast to finish it's thing in the toaster. I am rather happy right now. All is currently right and proper with the world despite the fact that I have to go to work in less than a half an hour and my clothes are still really wet and in the dryer.
I gots to go eat now.
Faretheewell All

Monday, December 16, 2002

The Future's Uncertain And the End Is Always Near


Led Zeppelin Avacado
I get the feeling that my friend Bethany is mad at me or something. As I sit here typing this, I am on AIM with a screen name that no one but me knows about. She is on with one of hers. I swithed over to my usual one and she was not there. So, I switched back, and well, she is there again. It depresses me to no end. I am not in the mood to be depressed right now. Too many sad and unhappy things are going on in my little corner of the world for this.
I think I am just going to get on with this entry then limp up the stairs and go to bed. Probably end up crying myself to sleep again tonight too. Stupid knee.
That rather hurt. I just went to run up the stairs, but as I was running around the corner, my foot slipped on the carpet, and I went sliding. Instead of sliding onto some base or other, my knee collided rather loudly and painfully with the wall. Not that I let that stop me from running the rest of the way up the stairs mind you.Well, it sems that I have also been able to destroy my internet connection. You are probably sitting there thinking "If you messed it up, how is it that you are making this entry then?" Well the answer to that question and many others are contained in the paragraphs ahead!
We use one primary internet service to connect to the internet. I was trying to do something to one of the other ones, and somehow that cancelled the account on the primary one. I am currently using another one that works all spiffily with the other one. I hate it.
On a totally unrelated note, I solved the problem with the CD-Rom tonight! It had this issue where it would open at random times and just stay that way.
Well, it popped open and I was unaware of that. I was looking the other way and not paying attention (I am to poor to pay attention!). I turned in the chair so I could focus on what I was doing with the computer, and my knee caught the CD-Rom tray. It then came mostly out. Bad news. I stuck another CD-Rom into the computer, and that seems to have solved the opening problem. I repaired the tray on the original, but I have not shoved it into another machine to test it yet. Fun Stuff.
I had something else to write about, maybe another installment in one of my terrible massivly unpopular stories, but I don't actually remember. SLEEP DEPRIVATION ROCKS!!
Stupid Knee
I have edited this entry like 5 times now. What you are reading is a progression of editations that have unfolded over the course of almost an hour.
I am done now
This time it's for real

The End

What the heck are you still doing here???? It says "the end"
sheesh. Don't you people have lives or anything???

Thursday, December 12, 2002

One Toke Over The Line Sweet Jesus, One Toke Over The Line

I was going to do this huge @$$ survey thing, but it was like 100 questions. Gale said screw it.
It will be a nice day if it doesn't rain.

My Mazerati Does 185

Original Title: Life is pain

Yes, this comes as a surprise to even myself.
I was bored, and I saw the funniest thing on amazon a while ago:
"Our customers who wear clothes also shop at:"
I realize that there are people who don't always wear clothes, but that has been one of the uplifting things I need right now. I found out recently that a good friend of mine is going away for something like 8 years this summer. What depresses me even more is the fact that I will probably never see her again. Ah well. What are you gonna do?
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something."