Sunday, December 29, 2002

Sweet Home Indiana

Cat 2
Have you ever spent any part of a winter in Indiana?
Have you ever been to Indiana to begin with?
::Disclaimer --> I am about to rant about Indiana's weather <-- center="" disclaimer::="" end="">If you answered "yes" to the above questions, feel free to skip this and take the quiz at the bottom of the page (you don't want to hear about my crummy life anyway do you?).
If you answered "no", then read on (you poor pathetic schmuck).
The weather in Indiana is always truly bizzare. The way I see it, any forecast that is extended about any further than 10 mins. in advance is pretty much worthless. We are supposed to get 3 inches of snow on some early December day, and it seems to be 50 degrees and sunny that day. I may be exaggerating, but if so, it's only slightly. Two weeks ago, it was rather nice and sunny outside. It has been far too cold for comfort lately.
We got something like 6 inches of snow right around Christmas Eve.
Ok. The rant of about the weather is done with. Now onto the ranting about my job.
I work at Arby's. Whoo. My official title is "Team Trainer" but I actually do about everything there is to do and then much more. One of my unofficial jobs is "P.O.P. Captian." I find the title rather derogatory, but it makes me feel better to know that almost all of the other stores bestow that title upon a member of the management team. Hah! Sucks to be them! I obtained the title in question as a result of my irrational tendancy to be nice and help out one of my managers. Betcha can't guess why that is...
Anyway, back to my story.
What the P.O.P. captian is responsible for is basically this: Making sure the right stickers are on the right windows, the sign board says the right thing, the prices and menu boards are all reflected accuratly, etc. All the stuff dealing with promotions and what-have-you. It usually all needs to be changed on Sunday morning. So, I show up around 6 am (I am supposed to be there at 7 to let the mexicans in and then scrub out the fryers. I will go into greater detail about my Sunday morning shifts in a later entry though ;)) I usually get the fryers done to the point of being able to be left on their own until 9 am after about 40 minutes (I am good!). The current time is 6:40ish. I now begin gathering up my various posters, letters, and paperwork. This usually takes anywhere from 5 minutes to a half hour. After I get it straightened out and ready, I still have to wait for the Mexicans to show up. This could be anywhere from 6:55 to 7:30, although I have had it as late as 9:45 before.
Once they are present and accounted for, I make them coffee and then run outside to start changing everything. It MUST all be done by 10 am. That is when we open. It is usually sunny and and least lukewarm outside by this point. Even during an erratic Indiana winter.
Well, this time, it must be done after close on Sunday night. That means tonight. It is extremely cold out, with no chance of the sun making even a guest appearance. Needless to say, I don't look forward to standing outside with the 10-foot letter grabbing pole at midnight. whoo!
Here is the promised quiz. I ran into it when I was perusing the diary of my fourth and newest reader!

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Goodnight all! Off to mom's house to find some gloves and warm clothes!
A tidbit of useless information: This entry took 45 minutes to write!

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