Original Title: Word Dog Says:
Word Dog says "Let's talk where I came from!"

Gale's response was something along the lines of this: "Word Dog? What is that? Some kind of "ghetto ebonics" phrase?"
His co-worker's response was "yup."
Gale then thought about it for a second, and then started describing his take on the phrase "Word Dog." It is as follows:
Word Dog sounds more like the name of a sock puppet a kindergarten teacher might use as a form of teaching the class to read or spell. Maybe have some motivational "Word Dog Says:" posters pasted all over the classroom. That sort of thing.
So, from here on out, the "Word Dog Says:" entries will have something to do with some opinion of whatever whatever going on in the world.
Thanks for your time
--W. Dog--
- Current Mood:rad
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